Market Access


CheckSig Clear’s market access is built for financial institutions who require high-performance order execution, with the simplicity of a single entry point to the breadth of crypto markets


A single counterparty, all the most sought-after digital assets

No need to establish business relationships with multiple trading venues. CheckSig Clear executes orders by sourcing liquidity through CheckSig’s own brokerage accounts at multiple world-leading exchanges.


Smart Order routing and Best Execution for you and your clients

Our Smart Order Routing platform automatically gets you the best rate across multiple venues, based on liquidity, bid-ask spread, and other market conditions.


Post trade settlement and custody, natively integrated

While executing your order, all funds are safe in your insured custody vault. We take care of the entire fiat and crypto liquidity management process, and will settle the order with you after it has successfully been completed on the market. Your assets are never at risk on an exchange.

Designed for the banking industry

See why Financial Institutions choose CheckSig

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Integrated Infrastructure





External Networks

Other Employees


Mobile Channels

Branch Systems

Position Keeping

Back Office

Dashboard arrows API


Order Management

Order Creation

Smart Order Routing

Execution Monitoring


Frozen and Cold Wallets

Warm Wallets

Hot Wallets

Compliance Engine

Order Creation

Smart Order Routing

Execution Monitoring

Price and Liquidity Mgmt

Market Data

Limit Monitoring

Settlement Engine

arrows API



Vetted Exchanges

Liquidity Providers

Fiat on/off ramping

Current Accounts

Credit Lines

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