Specialty Lenders


Empower your institution with a groundbreaking lending approach by harnessing the potential oSf crypto as collateral. Offer a unique solution to clients who hold valuable crypto assets but are hesitant to liquidate. With crypto’s inherent liquidity and round-the-clock market evaluation, enable them to unlock capital while retaining their digital wealth


Escrow Accounts

Enable borrowers to place their collateral within CheckSig’s escrow accounts. This ensures the security of digital assets, and withdrawal rights are synchronized with power of attorney arrangements and processes outlined in your customized loan term sheet.


Collateral Monitoring

Let CheckSig to handle real-time monitoring of collateral value, seamlessly connecting to your systems to deliver immediate alerts when predefined thresholds are reached.


Liquidation Agent

Harness CheckSig’s market access capabilities for rapid asset liquidation, guaranteeing optimal execution that prioritizes both your and the borrower’s best interests.

Matches your existing operating framework

Ask about our flexible engagement models

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