Unlocking the Potential of

Digital Assets for
Financial Institutions

Plug&Play Crypto Infrastructure

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Crypto with a banking DNA

Bridging Financial Technology and Digital Assets

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Clear Dashboard

Monitor assets, audit reserves and sign transactions the easy way

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Seamlessly Integrated into your UX

Easily integrate crypto trading and custody into your apps with simple API connectors.

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Get started from day one with pre-built environments and plug&play solutions.

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Lightweight and Flexible

Outsource all operations to us for streamlined efficiency, or manage them yourself if you prefer more control—whatever suits your needs best.

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All-in-One and Modular

Deliver trading, custody, staking, and tax services through a single platform for a seamless, end-to-end experience—or choose only the services you need.

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Designed for Your Bank’s Unique Needs

Tailor the platform to fit your bank’s processes, technologies, and specific use cases, ensuring smooth integration and minimal disruption.

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Scalable as You Grow

Pilot new services efficiently with pay-as-you-go options, scaling the number of users and perimeter of services effortlessly.

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Recognitions and Awards

A best in class service provider, leading responsible innovation



CheckSig’s Custody Protocol is covered by two international patents. Both have been pledged to the Crypto Open Patent Alliance, and are freely available to anyone.



CheckSig has been awarded as the best 2023 Digital Asset Solution by the Swiss Wealth Briefing Awards Committee, sponsored by Societe Generale


Chosen by Regulators

CheckSig’s approach to Proof-of-Reserves has been selected by Bank of Italy’s Fintech Hub as a key solution to increase transparency and accountability in custodial services.

Easily embed Digital Asset services

Scale your business easily with one-stop-shop flexible infrastructure


Retail and Private Banks

Assist your clients with high security and compliant vaults for their digital assets.


Neobanks and Fintech

Open new revenue streams and expand your user base.


Brokers and Trading Platforms

Easily launch crypto trading and OTC services, with plug&play market access


Asset Managers

Fulfill fiduciary responsibility while preserving operational effectiveness.


Banking-as-a-Service Platforms

Expand your breadth of services to crypto.



Provide easy collateralized credit through escrow services.

Clear Dashboard

The all-in-one platform for your business, operations, risk and audit professionals

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Andrea Cilio

Head of Business Development

CheckSig is the leader for crypto solutions in Italy, offering digital asset services for every one of our clients and their needs. More importantly, CheckSig emphasizes security and regulatory compliance, which is of the utmost importance to us as we strive to offer our clients the safest options available for a product line that is rapidly evolving.

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Nicola Benini

Founding Partner

“Custody supported by insurance guarantees and periodic proof of reserves has become an indispensable ‘best practice’ for those investing in these assets. This carefully studied and sought-after partnership highlights the rigor and expertise with which we have always guided our clients towards awareness and transparency, even in this new class of investment, which is now widely regulated and financialized.”

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